As we've all been experiencing the effects of the global pandemic known as COVID-19 (Coronoviris), your government should or might have already ordered a nationwide stay-home order in your town, city, state or country. But how does all of this affect our daily self-care routines?
With the release of our first product the Aventurine Jade Roller x Alew and with more to come, we must let our readers and consumers know a few practices we've been following in our everyday self-care routine;
Here is a question from our consumers. "How does not touching my face affect my skincare routine, even Jade Rolling?"
Answer in short: treat your beauty tools and your Jade Roller, as you would your hands, and keep them clean. Disinfect your tools before and after every use. If you are sharing a Jade Roller with someone, then cease immediately to avoid the transfer of bacteria.
Each day we are prone to learn about another person that has fallen victim to COVID-19, take a moment to yourself, close your eyes and make sure to put your mental health at the forefront of everything. This is extremely important if you are self-isolated.
Allow the sunlight through. Open the drapes, sit close and allow the sun to beam on your skin despite it being indirect for now.
Start your day with these three simple tasks, and see how they make a difference;
Follow @alewexclusives on all social media platforms, for updates on newly released products or log onto, to purchase the Aventurine Jade Roller x Alew.
Aventurine, like precious jade, is known to have metaphysical properties that bring luck, good health, abundance, and security.
Once only used by the Elite, jade rolling has become the newest trend of the 21st century.
Popularized by celebrities and influencers alike, masses have sprung on the Jade Rolling trend and are rolling their skin into a healthier and more youthful glow.